Monday, December 1, 2008

Hi everybody. I'm visiting my place again! This is like writing in a journal that other people can see. Dumb!

Tonight we gave a wagon ride to a group of single adults. They went caroling and took fruit baskets to several people in the neighborhood. I was smart and rode in a car behind the wagon. Okay--so maybe it wasn't the funnest spot. But it was the warmest! Then we had dinner at the church afterwards. Alan and I had to take care of the horses, so we were late for dinner and didn't get any cake. But that's okay, Adam had cherry AND apple caramel crunch pie here at home. YUM!

I live in a quiet, and lonely house. And I'm on the computer downstairs, so I am cold and lonely. I guess I'll go upstairs and see if anybody is alive there.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Grandma Nancy's Corner

Hello! I found myself a little corner of the universe to play in. So I created this "blog". We will see what developes from it!